ST. ANDRE LES ALPES – XC Course, France

16 – 21 September 2018


Saint-André-les-Alpes is a world class site for XC flying. It offers reliable weather, interesting terrain and good after-flight entertainment. September still gives good flying conditions but calmer air than the hot and dry summer months.

The goal of this course is to improve your cross country flying skills. Many things can influence a cross country flight, like wind, thermals, clouds and topography. The key is to be able to adapt your plan to the conditions.

During the course you will learn how to prepare for a XC flight with the meteo forecast given for that day, where the best thermals can be found, how to choose the best lines to keep your gained altitude and how to optimize your flying time.


The day will start with a meteo briefing, flight planning and analyze of the orography. During the flight you get guidance from the air by the radio so you can relax and focus on the flying. After the flight we do a de-briefing and an analysis of your flight. The course consist of practice in the air and theory about meteo, thermal and cross country flying and how to set up your equipment.

The course will run from Sunday – Friday. Arrival date is on Saturday 15th of September, in the evening we will have a first meet and greet at the campsite.

The guidance can be in Italian, English, Spanish, Greek or French.


We will stay at thel campsite next to the landing or in a gite, depending on request.


  • 6 days XC guidance and coaching
  • Daily meteo briefing, task and site briefing
  • Analysis of orography
  • De-briefing and analysis of the flight
  • Theory of meteo, cross country flying and flight equipment
  • Booking of your accommodation


  • Flying equipment
  • Pilot license and insurance


The price for 6 days cross country guided tour is 475€. Excluded are accommodation, shuttlebus and site flying fees.

Register for this Course